Saturday, March 31, 2007


Dog back on my porch. I called and left a message on their machine. Neighbor outside so he doesn't know I've called. He comes to get his dog when he notices him missing. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when I saw him walking down the driveway. He slaps his legs for the dog to come. Dog won't budge. He walks closer and slaps his legs again. Dog won't come. Now he's very mad so he pounds on my door (apparently not knowing that I've called and left a message) to let me know he's there getting his dog off of my porch. Of course I knew this as I had seen the entire spectacle out my kitchen window facing the driveway. I tell him I called and left a message like I said I would. Then he tells me he didn't know that and walks down the steps looking back calling the dog. Again the dog won't budge. Finally he picks the dog up and huffs off.

At this point I might as well document this. I'm so frustrated! Grrrr!

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